Ensure vitamin D intake to avoid deficiencies

Bannière article apport vitamine D

Ensure vitamin D intake to avoid deficiencies

Nutrimuscle explains how to prevent deficiencies and ensure an adequate intake using foods rich in vitamin D.
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Nutrition santé
nutrition sportive saine et équilibrée pour la musculation

What is healthy and balanced nutrition?

Nutrimuscle accompanies you on a daily basis to provide you with a lot of relevant information, especially on your diet. What are the health benefits of protein? How to consume carbohydrates? Here are the answers to your questions.
Nutrition sportive
L'alimentation et les compléments après l'entraînement

Food and supplements after training

Food and post-workout supplements facilitate muscle and nerve recovery but also optimize the efforts of your session. For this, there are several kinds: proteins, amino acids, minerals... how do you know which food and post-workout supplement you need? We tell you everything in this guide.
Nutrition sportive
Comment l'ATP vous aide à améliorer vos performances sportives

How ATP Helps You Improve Your Sports Performance

A veritable "energy factory", ATP is one of the most important molecules naturally present in our body. It is essential to ensure the proper functioning of our body in general, but also to perform during sporting efforts.
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Recipe: honey almond shortbread

Discover our honey almond shortbread recipe!
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Recipe: banana bread with Musclewhegg

Discover our Musclewhegg banana bread recipe
Nutrition sportive
Comment mieux récupérer après l’entraînement

How to recover better after training

If you train regularly, recovery is essential. Intense effort depletes your energy reserves, destroys your muscle fibres, weakens your joints and leads to mental fatigue.
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Recette : tortillas protéinées

Recipe: Protein Tortillas

Discover our recipe for tortillas made with sweet potato and egg protein!
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Recipe: fruit protein ice cream

Discover our casein ice cream recipe!
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Recipe: Chocolate Musclewhey protein bar

Discover our chocolate Musclewhey protein bar recipe!
Nutrition santé
Comment perdre de la graisse avec les oméga 3 ?

How to lose fat with omega 3?

What are omega 3? Why supplementing with omega 3 is important? How Omega 3 can help you burn more fat? How to take them well? Nutrimuscle guides you in this article.
Nutrition santé
Comment perdre de la graisse avec les BCAA ?

How to lose fat with BCAAs?

Taking BCAAs helps to strengthen your muscle integrity and keep your metabolism high. This will help you both maintain your muscle mass and avoid fat gain.
Nutrition santé
système digestif corps humain syndrome dumping

Why do some people not digest their protein powder?

Some people cannot digest protein powder. For what reasons ? What is dumping syndrome? Why can dumping syndrome be linked to certain dietary supplements? We answer all your questions.
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