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To accompany the dry period, many athletes only use fat burners (or burners) as a dietary supplement. Fat burners are very popular in the context of weight loss, but many other dietary supplements are useful for optimizing dryness. Nutrimuscle tells you everything there is to know about dietary supplements for cutting.
What is dryness?
In bodybuilding, mass gain is followed by a dry period. This consists of reducing the level of fat while preserving muscle mass. In other words, the dry allows to draw the muscles. It is established through a diet, targeted physical exercises and an appropriate supplementation plan.
The dry period is a common practice among athletes, especially among bodybuilders who work on their muscles to make it as aesthetic as possible.
Why supplement during the cut?
The goal of a cut is to burn as much fat as possible. It is quite possible not to complement each other during a cut, but the results will be longer, even sometimes discouraging. Food supplements continue the work started during a sports session. Fats are therefore burned, even after physical exertion. Food supplements have several functions during the cut:
They are essential for the recovery and preservation of lean muscle mass. They regulate appetite and can be an ideal source of protein with no added calories. Fat burners also have the effect of speeding up the metabolism and therefore burning more fat.
It can be difficult to know which burner to use for your dryer. To guide you in your choice, see our dedicated article on how to choose the right fat burner.
The most common fat burners
One of the first products to which the athlete turns to lose weight is the burner. There are several types of burners on the market, each with its specificities. The most common fat burners are:
Thermogenic fat burners: Thermogenic fat burners contain ingredients that increase body temperature and thus stimulate fat burning.
Lipotropic fat burners: This type of burner balances fats and lipids in the body. It does not stimulate the body and promotes the burning of fat and its extraction. They are based on amino acids, which promotes fat burning. They are appreciated by athletes during dry periods.
At Nutrimuscle, we have created the Diet Protein Blend . It is the perfectly balanced dietary supplement of total protein, fibre, carnitine, inulin, taurine and glutamine. Diet Protein Blend limits fat and promotes weight loss thanks to its satiety effect. The presence of amino acids in this product makes it an ideal ally for the dry.
Alternative fat burners
Although the burners are effective, many other products can optimize the dryer.
Proteins : Proteins give a satiety effect. They are essential in a weight loss program because they limit snacking. In addition, they eliminate fat mass and promote fat burning.
Casein: Slow assimilation protein, casein distributes proteins to the body during rest. It is recommended to integrate casein during periods of dryness.
Fibers: Source of energy, fibers facilitate transit and provide an appetite suppressant effect which, in the long term, allows you to burn more fat.
Green tea : Green tea helps reduce insulin and stimulates the elimination of fat. In addition, it contains a high concentration of epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), a powerful antioxidant that has slimming properties.
L-Carnitine : Carnitine is an amino acid synthesized from lysine and methionine. It participates in the burning of fats by transporting lipids to the tissues.
Boosters: Boosters, such as caffeine, ward off fatigue and allow you to train longer. In fact, fat burning is longer and more intense.
To learn more about cutting, check out our article on cutting mistakes to avoid .