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Food supplements for women

Women have similar nutritional needs to men, but certain differences should be highlighted.
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Les compléments alimentaires chez les femmes

Dietary supplements specially developed for women can help support their health and well-being. Vitamins, minerals, amino acids are essential for the optimal functioning of the female body.

  • Everything you need to know about food supplements
  • Nutritional needs and dietary supplements for women
  • What food supplements for pregnant women

Everything you need to know about food supplements

Whether in capsules or powder, food supplements consist of nutrients essential for the proper functioning of the body. We find macronutrients, which include lipids (essential fatty acids), proteins (amino acids) and carbohydrates (sugars), and micronutrients which include vitamins, minerals and trace elements.

To choose the right food supplements, it is necessary to take into account the specific needs of your body. Consulting a healthcare professional or nutritionist can help you determine which supplements are appropriate for you, based on your age, diet and current health. Also be sure to choose quality products, developed to provide the body with the necessary nutrients without compromising your health.

Nutritional needs and dietary supplements for women

The woman's body is continually evolving. Women's nutritional needs are therefore different at each stage of life, ranging from adolescence to menopause. It is also important to note that the dosage of the different food supplements should be taken according to body weight, which will be lower than that of a man.

Vitamins, minerals and amino acids are essential to support women's immune health. Present in food supplements, they allow women to better combat their nutritional deficits and guarantee the optimal functioning of the female body.

Vitamins :

- Vitamin B12: Essential for the formation of red blood cells and the functioning of the nervous system, vitamin B12 is crucial for women, especially those following a vegetarian diet.

- Folic Acid: Folic acid, or vitamin B9, is important for women of childbearing age because it helps prevent congenital neural tube defects in the fetus.

Minerals :

- Iron: Women need iron to prevent iron deficiency anemia, especially during menstruation. Iron deficiency decreases immune function and energy production.

- Magnesium: Magnesium is an essential mineral for muscle and nerve health, hormonal regulation and bone density.

Women 's Immune Health is a mix designed and created by Nutrimuscle adapted to the micronutritional needs of the female body and helps strengthen its immune system. It is composed of a perfectly dosed mixture of vitamins and minerals, which contributes to better health and better sports performance.

Amino acids :

Amino acids, the constituents of proteins, play a crucial role in women's health. Certain amino acids, such as lysine, contribute to hormonal regulation, while others, such as methionine, participate in energy metabolism.

Opti MSM: rich in sulfur, Methyl-Sulfonyl-Methane allows women who tend to have hyperlaxity to strengthen the mesh of collagen fibers between them.

What food supplement for pregnant women?

Food supplements can meet the needs of pregnant women. However, it is important to learn about those to avoid during pregnancy.

During pregnancy, blood volume increases and it is essential to ensure good oxygenation of all organs. Iron supplementation is therefore strongly recommended for pregnant women. Be careful, however, to consult a health professional before any supplementation.

Omega 3s are good fats which contribute to the health of the pregnant woman but also that of the fetus. They participate in the development of the brain and eyes of the future baby.

Multivitamins and multiminerals help maintain a sufficient intake of vitamins and minerals essential to the proper functioning of a woman's immune system. These supplements could reduce certain inconveniences such as nausea, transit disorders or joint pain.

Although it is good to increase your intake of certain vitamins, supplementing with vitamin A should be avoided. Excess of this vitamin can disrupt the development of the fetus and create a risk of malformation.

Also, all stimulating, tonic and exciting products should be banned from your diet during pregnancy. They can disrupt the rest and sleep of the pregnant woman, as well as the fetus.

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