#1 L'histoire de la créatine

#1 L'histoire de la créatine

#1 L'histoire de la créatine

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Les compléments alimentaires à intégrer dans sa routine

Food supplements to include in your routine

Nutrimuscle reveals the list of food supplements to add to your routine, for athletes at an advanced level.
Nutrition sportive
Les effets de la créatine

The effects of creatine

What are the effects and why is it important in sports nutrition? In this article, Nutrimuscle explains in detail the effects of creatine.
Quelle alimentation adopter pour une meilleure santé digestive ?

What diet to adopt for better digestive health?

All the nutrients we ingest on a daily basis constitute nutrition. This ensures the growth and development of our cells by transforming macronutrients. It is essential to take care of your digestive health to prevent discomfort and poor digestion.
Les clés pour démarrer une prise de masse cet hiver

The keys to starting a mass gain this winter

Bien choisir ses compléments
Pots de collagène Nutrimuscle

Which collagen to choose for what use? (Sport, pain, injuries)

In the world of sports and cosmetics, collagen is highly recommended because of its benefits. We explain to you what this protein is used for, what the different types are and how to choose the product best suited to its use.
Nutrition sportive
Comment réussir sa sèche ?

How to succeed in drying?

Do you want to lose fat without losing the hard-earned muscle mass from your previous workouts, but you don't know where to start? Discover our tips to help you achieve your physical goals without losing the progress you have already made.
Bien choisir ses compléments
Comment bien choisir ses acides aminés ?

How to choose the right amino acids?

Essential elements of our body, yet still unknown by name by some, amino acids are the main constituents of proteins. There are different types of amino acids, depending on where the protein in question comes from. Each category of amino acids has different particularities on the body and the organism, which adapt to the needs and objectives of the athlete.
Retrouver la confiance en soi grâce au sport : l'histoire de Shana Coissard

Regaining self-confidence through sport: the story of Shana Coissard

Sport has benefits for all of us. For Shana, a CrossFit competitor for two years now, sport is a way to bond, provide mental well-being and stay focused on a goal.
Nos recettes
Recette : Gâteau à la banane protéiné

Recipe: Protein Banana Cake

Nos recettes
Recette : crêpes à la farine de patate douce

Recipe: pancakes with sweet potato flour

Bien choisir ses compléments
Nutrition santé
Oméga 3
gélules oméga 3

Omega 3: how to choose them, when and how to take them

What are omega 3? What are their benefits? How to choose them? When and how to take them? Nutrimuscle answers your questions.
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