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Regaining self-confidence through sport: the story of Shana Coissard

Sport has benefits for all of us. For Shana, a CrossFit competitor for two years now, sport is a way to bond, provide mental well-being and stay focused on a goal.
Retrouver la confiance en soi grâce au sport : l'histoire de Shana Coissard

Sport has benefits for all of us. For Shana, a CrossFit competitor for two years now, sport is a way to bond, provide mental well-being and stay focused on a goal.

Contents :

  1. Connecting through sport
  2. Finding confidence with exercise
  3. Set a long term goal

Connecting through sport

For Shana, who was crowned vice-world champion in wheelchair CrossFit, sport is above all a way to meet new people and create new relationships. It is even sometimes, the attachment and trust in her teammates that motivates her to practice sport more often and helps her to persist in her efforts.

The 20-year-old young woman discovers the happiness of group cohesion with basketball. Rather shy and reserved, Shana learns to open up to others - "breaking the ice" as she says - thanks to this sport which teaches her to be indulgent towards herself.

Shana then discovers CrossFit thanks to her physical trainer. Unlike basketball, it is not a team sport, but the young woman still manages to find the same mutual support and closeness with others during group lessons, the famous WOD.

These group CrossFit classes allow you to practice the same thing, at the same time. To share and endure the same suffering. Handicap or not, most courses are done in the same environment as the others. To do this, she adapts each movement so that they come as close as possible to the original movement.

Finding confidence with exercise

Beyond the creation of social ties, the practice of sport is fully beneficial both physically and mentally. Much more than she imagined. And when those around her told her to stop the sport for fear that she would hurt herself because of her disability, Shana continued, with even more enthusiasm than before, with even more determination. Little by little, as she goes through the stages, her self-confidence goes up. This feeling of pushing her limits tends to drive away the pessimistic ideas she had about herself.

Set a long-term goal

Finally for Shana, it is important in sport to have a goal, to have a reason to work hard. And even if her main ambition is to aim for first place, the young crossfiteuse now sees in the long term. Her goal is to witness her own progress. She wants to be better in her field, by rebalancing all levels: “Beyond seeking performance in competitions, there I really want to work on my weak points to become better as an athlete. Being focused on a goal allows her not only to improve her performance but also to not let go until she achieves her goals.