Vitamins and omega 3: for a strengthened immune system

Bannière article compléments vitamines et oméga 3 pour la musculation

Vitamins and omega 3: for a strengthened immune system

Is it necessary to supplement with vitamins and omega 3? What does a multivitamin supplement do? We also discuss with you the deficiencies as well as the hormonal impact of vitamins.
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Nutrition santé
Acné : impacts de l'alimentation et des compléments alimentaires

Acne: impacts of food and food supplements

Do you have acne and are you wondering about your diet? What are the three foods most likely to cause acne? Should we stop consuming them? Nutrimuscle answers your questions with many details and figures.
Nutrition santé
whey protéine en poudre carboxyméthylcellulose CMC

Close up of carboxymethyl cellulose or CMC

Nutrimuscle invites you to learn more about carboxymethylcellulose, or CMC. Why is there carboxymethylcellulose in whey? Here are many details and information.
Bien choisir ses compléments
Nutrition santé
Nutrition sportive
Bien choisir son brûleur de graisse

Choosing the right fat burner

As part of weight loss, fat burners are the most useful and effective dietary supplements. However, it is difficult to find your way among the many burners on the market. Nutrimuscle explains their differences and how to choose the most suitable fat burner for your profile.
Nutrition santé
Sélénium : Bienfaits et propriétés

Selenium: Benefits and properties

Selenium is an essential trace element for the body, yet little known. Nutrimuscle explains the benefits of this trace element and the means to prevent a deficiency through diet and supplementation.
Nutrition santé
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Tout savoir sur la protéine de poulet

Everything you need to know about chicken protein

Have you heard of chicken protein and would like to know more? Nutrimuscle provides you with many details about this product.
Nutrition santé
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Tout savoir sur la vitamine K

Everything you need to know about vitamin K

Named from the German “Koagulation”, vitamin K is essential for the proper functioning of the body from birth. Its benefits are numerous, both in everyday life and in the world of sport. A deficiency of this vitamin can also be fatal. What is vitamin K and what is the benefit of supplementing? Nutrimuscle tells you everything there is to know about this vitamin.
Nutrition santé
Tout savoir sur ses compléments
Bannière article vitamine D

Everything you need to know about vitamin D

According to ANSES, more than 70% of the adult French population in 2019 had vitamin D deficiency and a case of deficiency in nearly 7% of cases. The symptoms can be very violent, this vitamin being essential for the proper functioning of the human body. We explain the importance of this vitamin, its actions on the body and how to prevent vitamin D deficiency.
Nutrition santé
Nutrition sportive
Tout savoir sur ses compléments
Tout savoir sur la vitamine B12

Everything you need to know about vitamin B12

We hear a lot about vitamin B12, especially for people who do not eat meat or fish. We explain how B12 is essential for the proper functioning of the body and why it is important to supplement. 
Acides aminés
Nutrition santé
compléments alimentaires pour la musculation glutamine acide aminé

All about glutamine: role, benefits, deficiency.

What is glutamine? What is its role and what are its benefits? For health as for sports performance, glutamine is a real ally. Nutrimuscle explains everything there is to know on the subject.
Nutrition santé
Nutrition sportive
5 mythes sur les compléments alimentaires

5 myths about food supplements

Twenty years ago, dietary supplements were considered doping. Even today, they are despised by many people due to a lack of knowledge of the subject. Nutrimuscle exposes the counter-arguments to the most widespread ideas about food supplements.
Nutrition santé
Nutrition sportive
Bannière article bienfaits collagène marin

The benefits of marine collagen

Marine collagen is an increasingly popular dietary supplement for its many benefits to skin, bones and joints. Find out how this essential protein can help strengthen your body and improve your physical appearance.
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