#1 L'histoire de la créatine

#1 L'histoire de la créatine

#1 L'histoire de la créatine

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Céréales & glucides
Flocons d'avoine biologiques
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flocons d'avoine

Everything you need to know about rolled oats

Oat flakes have many benefits in sports nutrition. Source of protein and fiber, they help regulate blood sugar and prevent cardiovascular disease. Nutrimuscle explains in detail the benefits of oatmeal and how to incorporate them into your diet.
Nutrition sportive
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Whey native
Tout savoir sur la Whey Isolate

All about Whey Isolate

What is whey isolate, and what makes it different from other wheys? Nutrimuscle explains everything there is to know about whey isolate.
Nutrition sportive
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Tout savoir sur la taurine

Everything you need to know about taurine

Nutrimuscle explains in detail everything you need to know about taurine: its role, its benefits and its effects on the human body.
Nutrition santé
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Tout savoir sur la vitamine K

Everything you need to know about vitamin K

Named from the German “Koagulation”, vitamin K is essential for the proper functioning of the body from birth. Its benefits are numerous, both in everyday life and in the world of sport. A deficiency of this vitamin can also be fatal. What is vitamin K and what is the benefit of supplementing? Nutrimuscle tells you everything there is to know about this vitamin.
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Bannière article collagène

All about collagen

Collagen is the most abundant protein in the human body. It is found in cartilage, tendons, ligaments, bone tissue, but also in skin, nails and hair. Nutrimuscle explains everything you need to know about collagen and why it is important to supplement.
Comment perdre efficacement la graisse du ventre

How to effectively lose belly fat

The belly is an area where fat tends to accumulate in both men and women. You would think that targeted exercises can help you lose belly fat. However, the body is finicky and losing belly fat involves overall weight loss. Nutrimuscle supports you in your weight loss, the success of which depends on three levers, presented here: diet, sport and supplementation.
Nutrition santé
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Bannière article vitamine D

Everything you need to know about vitamin D

According to ANSES, more than 70% of the adult French population in 2019 had vitamin D deficiency and a case of deficiency in nearly 7% of cases. The symptoms can be very violent, this vitamin being essential for the proper functioning of the human body. We explain the importance of this vitamin, its actions on the body and how to prevent vitamin D deficiency.
Nutrition santé
Nutrition sportive
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Tout savoir sur la vitamine B12

Everything you need to know about vitamin B12

We hear a lot about vitamin B12, especially for people who do not eat meat or fish. We explain how B12 is essential for the proper functioning of the body and why it is important to supplement. 
Nos recettes
Recette : pancakes protéinés au beurre d'amandes

Recipe: protein pancakes with almond butter

Discover our recipe for protein pancakes with almond butter!
Nos recettes
Recette : pancakes protéinés au beurre de cacahuètes

Recipe: Peanut Butter Protein Pancakes

Discover our recipe for peanut butter protein pancakes!
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Nutrition sportive
bannière article choix pre workout

Choosing the right pre-workout booster

There are a multitude of supplements to take before training to optimize your performance. Nutrimuscle accompanies you and helps you make the most suitable choice.
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