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Meeting with Aiki Share Fitness

Every month, Nutrimuscle receives a live Instagram ambassador to discuss their training habits, diet and supplementation plan. We welcomed Aiki Share Fitness, bodybuilding coach and former martial arts practitioner.
Rencontre avec Aiki Share Fitness

Every month, Nutrimuscle receives a live Instagram ambassador to discuss their training habits, diet and supplementation plan. We welcomed Aiki Share Fitness, bodybuilding coach and former martial arts practitioner.

Can you introduce yourself and your background?

My name is Tony, I'm 42, although I don't [laughs]. Aiki is a nickname that I adopted in 2003. At that time I practiced aikido, hence the name. I started on the Internet as an administrator of the Planetemuscle forum, the most popular bodybuilding forum at that time.

After a bac S, I did STAPS then a Master in “physical activity and ergonomic design”. Thanks to my education and motor skills license, I was able to have my sports instructor card. I am a coach, but I can also be an external speaker in schools in all sporting disciplines. I specialize in bodybuilding.

You started sport with martial arts, then you moved on to bodybuilding. Why this change?

I practiced martial arts from the age of 7 to the age of 22. I started with kyokushinkai karate, then did aikido and, at sports school, I started judo in the second division. I knew nothing about judo, but in 5 years I got my brown belt. Following this, the passion for bodybuilding arrived. It saves time, but it was also out of interest in the bodybuilding world. It was quite naturally that I turned to bodybuilding.

Have you ever practiced bodybuilding? What is your opinion on the subject?

I only did one bodybuilding competition. Among the men, the atmosphere is super relaxed with a lot of solidarity. I didn't come to win, it was above all a personal challenge. In 1987, I started from 120 kg of fat and on stage I was at 87 kg but I was not in my category. My kneecap had twisted and I couldn't work my legs. Why not compete again one day.

I have a somewhat harsh view of bodybuilding. I have nothing against practitioners, but against those who sell dreams. Not everyone is cut out to be a champion or bodybuilder. We all have different bodies. Some people trick people into taking things by making them think it's miraculous and assuming that everyone is built the same. This gives rise to drama.

What is your workout routine?

My workouts often evolve. I hired a coach, even though you're a coach, because you never have an objective view of yourself. We test things: isometry, sets of 100, alternating between heavy and light…

Exercises are tools. Everyone must compose their training with the right tools. Not all people in the gym are looking for muscle hypertrophy or bodybuilding. There is no “best” exercise, there are only exercises that suit us more or less. For a guy with small arms who wants to work his chest, he will favor exercises like the bench press. For a guy like me with long arms, it will be the spread ones. We all have different needs and more or less adapted exercises.

You have to tell yourself that you are not trying to be better than others, but to surpass yourself. There will always be better than you. The aim of the game is to last.

You started with Youtube, then you created a second channel, “Coach Aiki”.

I started Youtube by testing food supplements and I was one of the first to do so. I then created my second YouTube channel focusing on coaching, reflections, debates, etc. The goal of my Coach Aiki channel is to teach others to think for themselves by giving them food for thought.

Have you ever injured yourself?

Yes. Most of the time it was sprains. The biggest injury is the popped kneecap. I was in a dry period and I had a predisposing genetic factor. I was having a fight with a friend on the beach and, just before the bodybuilding competition, my kneecap popped. Sometimes the injury flares up when I walk when I'm tired. I also sometimes have small tendinitis but nothing serious.

How do you deal with injuries?

When you get injured, immobility is not good. You need to work your muscles gradually, best done with a health professional. The collagen peptides helped me recover faster, too. No product is magic or miraculous, but collagen speeds up the healing process.

How do you manage your diet?

Everything is calibrated, but you have to know how to let go of guilt. I respect my daily calorie total and I calculate my macronutrients. Currently, I am at 105 kg clean but I want to gain even more muscle. This extra energy will be used to lift heavier and build more muscles. The physique is not targeted, but more the performance.

What is your experience with food supplements?

I started learning about dietary supplements in 2010-2011, but at that time it was just disguised advertising. Little by little, I became informed with Gundill, his books and his podcasts.

At the time, food supplements were considered doping and the ingredients were just food waste. Nutrimuscle turned everything upside down, because it was the first brand that mentioned this problem and sought purity in supplements. It has established itself as a leader in food supplements and has established quality standards. I contacted them because they were partners with Planetemuscle. I asked to receive products to test them, they sent them to me without waiting for a return.

Today, I consume food supplements because they help my practice. In particular, I take BCAA accompanied by maltodextrin. I very often recommend multivitamins and multiminerals, especially magnesium. Men's immune health is also great because it is well balanced between vitamins and minerals. Vitamin C, vitamin D and Omega 3 are also essential.

Do you think that food supplements are essential for good sports practice?

Food supplements are essential for those who eat poorly. Me, I started supplementation for convenience, economy and to facilitate digestion. Instead of eating 5 steaks, I took 100g of protein. Food supplements have a real economic impact.

To perform, food supplements are not essential because some have succeeded without them. However, it is recommended to take some, especially collagen to protect against injuries. Vitamins like magnesium are also important. I recommend doing regular blood tests to know where you are, to avoid deficiencies and periods of stagnation.

What are your plans for the future?

I plan to develop my coaching, continue podcasts and debates. My goal is to educate people and teach them to question everything and think for themselves. Right now, I'm looking for athletes to talk about a particular discipline.

Follow her news on Instagram: aiki_sharefitness