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You probably ask yourself a lot of questions about taking protein in the evening, in connection with morning anabolism. What is the impact of proteins? Nutrimuscle answers your questions.
Will taking protein in the evening compromise morning anabolism?
In the morning, taking a fast protein like whey increases muscle anabolism significantly . Indeed, overnight fasting increases muscle sensitivity to the naturally anabolic effects of protein.
On the contrary, by taking too much protein, too often, the anabolic response of the muscles weakens.
How is muscle sensitivity modulated?
Muscles contain receptors for amino acids, particularly leucine . By taking protein, these receptors are activated: anabolism is triggered . But in return for this activation of protein synthesis, the receptors close in on themselves. They become refractory to any anabolic activation for several hours. Then, over time, they regain their anabolic sensitivity.
As, at night, we remain without food for a long time, the sensitivity of the receptors to any anabolic activation increases over the hours. This is why in the morning, proteins are particularly anabolic , because the muscles are hyper receptive.
Impact of nocturnal proteins on morning anabolism?
It is therefore legitimate to wonder whether the fact of taking your protein just before going to bed will not compromise the anabolic action of the proteins that you ingest upon waking.
If this were the case, we would lose some of the anabolism that we would have gained during the night. This would be tantamount to minimizing the importance of taking protein before going to sleep.
Impact of a mega dose of whey
A new study answers exactly that question. Young men who had done weight training were given either 60 g of whey or 60 g of carbohydrates before bed. Why 60g of whey? Because a megadose makes it possible to lengthen the duration of anabolic action of whey due to the creation of a kind of digestive "traffic jam". It's like sending a lot of cars at once on a highway: the average speed of vehicles is automatically reduced by the density of traffic, the travel time lengthening accordingly.
In the morning upon awakening, the subjects all drank 20 g of whey and their rate of muscle protein synthesis was compared.
In men who received carbohydrates before sleep, the increase in muscle anabolism was the same as in those who took whey before bed. There is no morning anabolic decompensation due to taking protein before bed.
Evening protein and morning anabolism: conclusion
The nocturnal protein does not lead to a decrease in the sensitivity of muscle receptors. Thus, it is doubly positive to take protein before sleeping, because it increases nighttime anabolism without compromising morning anabolism.
On the contrary, it is doubly negative not to take protein before sleeping, because it promotes nocturnal catabolism without obtaining a compensatory morning anabolic response.