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Where does my Nutrimuscle whey come from?

What are the stages that your jar of Nutrimuscle whey goes through before reaching you? Discover behind the scenes of Nutrimuscle in this article!
D'où vient ma whey Nutrimuscle ?

Transparency and quality are our watchwords. At Nutrimuscle, we make our mixtures directly in our factory. We reveal the different stages of making a jar of Nutrimuscle whey.

Step 1 : Receiving the raw material

After a comparative study of raw material suppliers, we receive the raw material from our supplier. This is subject to verification of its COA, a certificate of microbiological analysis and the physico-chemical characteristics of the product (amino acid level, extraction rate)

It is important to check the condition and nutritional quality of the product before handling it.

Step 2: Mixing the raw materials

Our experts then create the mixture found in Whey Native Nutrimuscle. The raw materials are weighed one by one and then poured into an agricultural mixer. Originally, this device was intended to mix feed for livestock. Its specificity is that it rotates very slowly: in this way, it mixes without heating or degrading the mixture.

Each material used is weighed to the nearest gram and then checked by a department head.

In order to standardize the mixture, the machine performs the mixture 5 minutes to the right then 5 minutes to the left.

Step 3: Traceability and quality control

All the raw materials used are referenced. The batch number and its expiry date are noted and checked by the department head.

Each utensil is cleaned with an air blower after the use of a raw material.

Once the mixture is finished, it is subjected to an organoleptic quality test to ensure the miscibility, appearance and taste of the product. A head operator tastes up to 18 mixes a day!

Only a few people have the ability to detect taste nuances: they are the factory experts. Among these, we find a few operators in charge of the mixtures, the team leaders and the quality controllers.

Step 4: Potting

Once finished, the mixture is transferred to another room for potting.

Each jar is weighed on a manual scale. The transfer is done in an artisanal and individual way. Once the potting is done, we attach the dispenser and close everything with the cap.

The jars are cleaned with an air blower before being transferred to labeling.

Step 5: Labeling

Labeling is done mechanically for all products. For products over 25 kg, labeling is done manually.

To produce a tracing label (the small label affixed to the jar), the batch number must be entered into a computer and the information previously collected during the stage of mixing the raw materials. This step is carried out by a department head who certifies his identity. Thanks to this, we know in which product the raw material is and who placed the order.

Step 6: Logistics

The pots are stored in small warehouses. For supplements more sensitive to heat, these are placed in refrigerated spaces between 14 and 18°C.

Inventories are organized according to the frequency of product sales and in such a way as to limit employee travel. On each order sheet is indicated the location in the warehouse in order to facilitate movement.

Step 7: Transport and reception

The package is entrusted to our carriers who go twice a day to the factory to receive the packages and drop them off in your mailbox!