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Cold seasons and sport: how to stay motivated?

Change of time, drop in temperature, winter fatigue… The cold seasons have a great influence on our physical and mental state, which can lead to desertions from sports halls. But, where exactly does this loss of winter motivation come from and how to overcome it? 
Saisons froides et sport : comment garder la motivation ?

Time change, drop in temperature, winter fatigue… The cold seasons have a great influence on our physical and mental state, which can lead to desertions of gyms. But where exactly does this loss of winter motivation come from and how can we overcome it? 

Table of Contents

  • Where does the loss of motivation come from in winter? 
  • Tips for staying motivated 
  • Food supplements to combat fatigue and stay motivated 


Understanding where loss of motivation comes from 

It is very common to have a drop in motivation, the trick is to understand where it comes from. This can be due to mental fatigue, personal problems, a gloomy environment or even poor diet. Once the source is identified, the problem can be overcome more quickly. 

Loss of motivation can come from general fatigue linked to external factors. When we enter a cold period, it is often the rhythm of a new life that begins to tire us, that of "metro-work-sleep". Going to work when it is dark and coming back when the sun has set is very depressing for the mind. The lack of sun, outings and other feelings of freedom also affect morale. Cold spells weaken the body, requiring more effort to conserve its heat, which can tire it out more quickly. Following exposure to the cold for too long or too violently, we can therefore feel very tired. 

This sudden change in motivation can also be explained by internal factors such as generalized stress due to work or poor lifestyle. Sleep is disturbed, the body is deficient in micronutrients or immune defenses are low. Training too much can also be harmful: in fact, overtraining causes muscular but also mental fatigue. It can happen that we are disappointed with our performances, which can lead to a loss of motivation, due to lack of results. 


Tips for staying motivated 

It is important to remember that sport is a beneficial factor for health from a purely chemical point of view. After 30 minutes of physical exercise, endorphins are released by the body and activate the reward circuit. Sport should therefore not be neglected in winter. Here are some tips to apply so as not to miss training and get through the winter serenely. 

Organize your sleep well : Sleep is something to monitor. According to CENAS, an adult should sleep between 7 and 9 hours per night. Since the first few hours are the most restorative, prepare a quiet time to prepare the body for a good night's sleep by limiting exercise and screens two hours before bedtime. Also limit sleeping in: this should not exceed an hour of extra sleep so as not to disrupt the internal clock. 

 The body, exposed daily to the cold, tires more quickly. One can feel soporific effects following too long exposure to the cold. Sleeping with socks allows to warm the extremities of one's body and facilitates the work of the organism which tends to conserve heat in the vital organs. 

Watch your diet: It should be as balanced as possible, rich in vitamins and minerals. Fruits and vegetables should be an integral part of your diet. Be creative and try new recipes! If you are lacking inspiration, the Nutrimuscle Instagram account offers easy-to-make and energizing recipes. 

Get outside and get some fresh air: be on the lookout for the slightest ray of sunshine. Just 10 minutes of sun exposure is enough to synthesize a decent amount of vitamin D. In addition, according to researchers at Monash University, spending time outside helps reduce symptoms related to depression, guarantees a better mood and better quality of sleep. 

Organize your schedule: Create a schedule and set training times on a regular basis. By balancing this time with work, you will no longer have the excuse of finding something else to do than going to training at the scheduled times. Early in the morning, at lunchtime or in the evening, these times must be determined and your day must be organized taking them into account. Define your sports goals: take a notebook and write down the date as well as all the data you want to track. This will motivate you to see your progress and will make your efforts concrete. 


Supplements to combat fatigue and stay motivated 

There are two ways to consume food supplements: as a cure or as a booster. Cures are highly recommended during the winter periods because the body tends to lack vitamins and minerals. Depending on your needs, you can see food supplements to combat fatigue .


The cures 

The most common products to take during the winter are Multivitamins and Multiminerals . 

Taking a course of multivitamins helps combat catabolism and fatigue, protects the physical integrity of athletes, strengthens the immune system and allows for faster muscle recovery.  

As for Multiminerals, they protect the immune system thanks to their anti-oxidant effects, prevent kidney stones and fight against mineral deficiencies, eliminated by sweating. 


There are also products targeting specific needs such as Vitamin D (the most common deficiency during winter) or Women's immune health , enriched with iron to combat the deficiency due to menstrual periods. 


The boosters 

Boosters are to be used before a workout or any other physical effort. Their action will be short-lived and do not compensate for the lack of vitamins or minerals. They only allow to give the body a boost while avoiding an overly violent energy crash. Here are some examples of boosters: 

Natural Caffeine : It is the most powerful booster to push your limits in strength and endurance sports, improve your physical performance and stimulate your intellectual capacities. Caffeine also helps accelerate and strengthen fat loss.

Organic Guarana : Guarana is an almost immediate booster with a prolonged effect. It protects the nervous system and the brain from degeneration. It is also an excellent fat burner. 


Loss of motivation is very common during the cold seasons. Be kind to yourself and keep in mind that there are ways to overcome seasonal fatigue. All these ways should allow you to keep the desire to practice sports and pursue your goals. 


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