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After a workout, if you don't give your body what it needs to recover from the effort, you won't be able to achieve your goals , whatever they may be. In addition, after training, your body has a greater capacity to absorb carbohydrates and proteins. It is therefore the ideal time to provide nutrients to your muscles so that they grow in size.
Discover in this article the essential supplements to take right after your sports session.
How to stop muscle catabolism and stimulate the muscle recovery process?
After a weight training session, your body finds itself in a situation of muscle catabolism . During exercise, your body has greater energy needs. So, to produce the energy it needs, your body uses the amino acids in your muscles. This phenomenon leads to the destruction of your muscle fibers, therefore a loss of muscle!
If the catabolic state is not stopped, you risk losing the benefits of your training . It is therefore essential to provide your body with proteins and amino acids (components of proteins). For what ? Because, at first, it will allow your body to stop the destruction of your muscle tissue and recover better. In a second step, protein synthesis will allow your muscle fibers to rebuild themselves. You will therefore be able to benefit from optimal muscle growth.
BCAAs to promote muscle recovery
BCAAs (Branched Chain Amino Acids) are essential amino acids. They cannot be synthesized by our body, so we must bring them to our body through food or supplementation. There are 3 branched amino acids in BCAAs: leucine , isoleucine and valine .
The leucine present in BCAAs helps stimulate muscle building. Isoleucine and valine enhance anabolism. BCAAs then allow:
- optimize muscle mass gain after training by stimulating protein synthesis
- promote muscle recovery
There are several types of BCAAs that differ from each other in their ratio of leucine, isoleucine and valine. BCAA Builders have a ratio of 4.1.1 and are therefore "overdosed" in leucine. The Resistance BCAAs have a ratio of 2.1.2.
If you are under 35 , we advise you to take Resistance BCAAs (2 measures of Leucine, 1 measure of Isoleucine, 2 measures of Valine) because the assimilation of Valine is less good when you are young.
If you are over 35 , we advise you to take Builder BCAAs (4 measures of Leucine, 1 measure of Isoleucine, 1 measure of Valine) because the assimilation of Leucine decreases from the age of 35.
Whey protein to optimize recovery and muscle growth
Taking a protein powder after training is essential to provide your muscles with the amino acids they need to recover and grow. Whey Native , a protein directly from cow's milk is the essential supplement to achieve your muscle gain goals. Its composition rich in amino acids (essential and non-essential) provides your body with complete nutritional protein coverage.
However, there are several types of native whey protein, each of which is relevant to your needs. We recommend two for your post-workout supplementation:
Musclewhey: If you plan to eat your meal soon after your workout, we recommend taking Musclewhey. Indeed, this protein is a combination of native whey and native whey isolate allowing rapid digestion, so you can have your meal easily afterwards. This protein provides a powerful anabolism ideal for your muscle mass gain goals.
Musclewhegg: this protein is a blend of native whey and egg white protein. If you want to space your meals further apart and avoid multiplying your protein intake, Musclewhegg is the ideal choice. Indeed, egg white proteins provide a filling effect and are digested more slowly than native whey. The advantage of Musclewhegg lies in its two-speed action: rapid anabolism thanks to native whey and prolonged release of amino acids thanks to egg white.
Finally, in addition to your BCAA and protein supplementation, we also advise you to take carbohydrates. These will act in synergy with your protein to help you recover better and maximize your muscle anabolism. We recommend low glycemic carbohydrates such as powdered sweet potato or rolled oats or barley.
Here is an easy post-workout mix to make: Musclewhey or Musclewhegg + BCAA Resistance + Flakes or Sweet Potato.