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How does fiber help digestion?

Dietary fiber, also called dietary fiber, is considered an essential part of a healthy, balanced diet. Nutrimuscle explains what fibers are, where to find them, the benefits they provide and the risks associated with excessive consumption.
Comment les fibres aident à la digestion ?

Dietary fiber, also called dietary fiber, is considered an essential part of a healthy, balanced diet. Nutrimuscle explains what fibers are, where to find them, the benefits they provide and the risks associated with excessive consumption.


  • What are fibers?
  • In which foods is fiber found?
  • What are the benefits?
  • Is there a risk of excess?

What are fibers?

Dietary fibers are complex carbohydrates that are not digested by our body.

Fiber is classified into two main categories: soluble and insoluble fiber.

Soluble fibers, such as pectin, beta-glucans and gums, dissolve in water and form a gel in the digestive tract. They slow digestion and the absorption of nutrients in the digestive system, which can help maintain stable blood sugar levels and lower blood cholesterol levels.

Insoluble fibers, such as cellulose, hemicelluloses and lignin, do not dissolve in water and increase stool bulk, which promotes regular bowel movement.

Where are fibers found?

Fiber is found in a wide variety of foods, especially plant-based foods. Here are some examples of high fiber foods.

Fruits and vegetables, especially those eaten with their skins or seeds on, are a good source of fiber, as are nuts and whole grains.

Legumes, such as lentils, beans, and chickpeas, are also high in fiber. It is also found in whole grains, such as brown rice, oats and quinoa.

Processed foods like refined foods may have reduced fiber content due to industrial processing. Moreover, industrial products may also contain food additives, such as artificial sweeteners and preservatives, which are harmful to long-term health. It is therefore important to favor whole and natural foods to increase your fiber consumption.

Cooking food gently can reduce the risk of stomach irritation while preserving the benefits of fibre. Prefer steam cooking for vegetables.

It is also important to follow dosage instructions and drink enough water when taking fiber supplements, as they absorb water in the gut. Not drinking enough water can lead to side effects such as bloating and abdominal pain.

At Nutrimuscle, we have imagined a product that can meet legislative recommendations while preserving your health. Nutrimuscle Nutri-Fibres, also known as Nutriose®, are carbohydrates that are produced from wheat starch through partial enzymatic hydrolysis. These dietary fibers are very soluble and have a neutral taste.

They have a prolonged release of energy, which reduces the feeling of hunger. Nutrimuscle Nutri-fibres have a low sugar content, less than 0.5%, as well as a low caloric value of only 2 kcal/g. Plus, they have a low glycemic index, which is a plus for people looking to control their blood sugar levels.

They are often used as a dietary supplement to help increase fiber intake in the diet, especially for people who do not get enough fiber through their normal diet.

What are the benefits of fiber?

Fiber has many health benefits. They are beneficial for digestive, cardiovascular and metabolic health.

Maintaining good digestive health

Insoluble fiber increases stool volume and promotes regular intestinal transit. Soluble fiber may also contribute to good digestive health by feeding beneficial gut bacteria, which may aid digestion.

Weight and appetite control

Fiber intake regulates appetite by increasing the feeling of fullness and reducing hunger. This helps to control overeating and prevent excessive weight gain.

Reduced risk of cardiovascular disease 

By preventing the absorption of cholesterol in the gut, soluble fiber lowers blood cholesterol levels. They therefore prevent the risk of cardiovascular diseases and strokes.

Reduced risk of type 2 diabetes

One of the actions of fiber is to regulate blood sugar by slowing the absorption of carbohydrates into the blood. This reduces the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Cancer risk reduction

Fiber also helps reduce the risk of certain types of cancer, such as colorectal cancer, by promoting regular bowel movements and reducing the contact time of toxins with intestinal cells.

Prebiotic effect

Dietary fiber also has a prebiotic effect, which means it feeds the good bacteria in the gut. By increasing the amount of good bacteria in the gut, dietary fiber helps maintain a healthy balance of gut flora. Fiber supplements may also contribute to this effect.

Is there a risk of excess?

Although fiber is beneficial to health, it is important to note that excessive fiber consumption can have negative health effects.

Excessive fiber consumption can lead to digestive issues such as bloating, gas, and intestinal upset.

Consuming too much fiber can also reduce the absorption of certain nutrients, such as iron, calcium and zinc, which can lead to nutritional deficiencies.

It is recommended to consume between 25 and 30 grams of fiber per day, depending on age, gender and level of physical activity. The French are far from reaching this rate: there are 15 g of fiber consumed per day and per French person, on average. Eating more fiber would better regulate intestinal transit, with the exception of a few cases.

Indeed, people with certain pathologies (such as irritable bowel syndrome) may need to limit their fiber intake, at the risk of worsening their digestive health.

Fiber is therefore an important component of a healthy and balanced diet. They can help maintain good digestive, cardiovascular and metabolic health. Fiber is found in foods of plant origin and it is recommended to consume between 25 and 30 grams of fiber per day. However, it is important not to consume it in excess to avoid negative health effects.

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