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Vitamins and omega 3: for a strengthened immune system

Is it necessary to supplement with vitamins and omega 3? What is a multivitamin supplement for? We also discuss with you the deficiencies as well as the hormonal impact of vitamins.
Nutrition santé
Oméga 3
Bannière article compléments vitamines et oméga 3 pour la musculation

Is it necessary to supplement with vitamins and omega 3? What is a multivitamin supplement for? We also discuss with you the deficiencies as well as the hormonal impact of vitamins.

Table of Contents

Omega 3

Omega 3 essential fatty acids

Omega 3 essential fatty acids are lipids mainly derived from fish fats. As with vitamins, there are omega 3 deficiencies among the French, due to the reduction in fish consumption (especially oily fish: salmon, tuna, sardines, etc.) (39).

There are two classes of omega 3 supplements:

  1. Those aggregated to an ethyl ester .
  2. Those combined as triglycerides

It is in this latter form that the best absorption of omega 3 (40-41-42) takes place.

Nutrimuscle omega 3s are found in natural form, that is to say linked to triglycerides, and not in the form of ethyl esters, even if this increases the price of the supplement.

Omega 3 has many benefits :

  • Improvement of cardiovascular functions ;
  • Reinforcement of the frame ;
  • Protection of nerve cells by preventing neuroinflammation;
  • Fight against depression (the prevalence of which increases in winter);
  • Appetite regulation (increase in the satiety hormone, leptin);
  • Anti-catabolic and anabolic role (43-44);
  • Joint protection;
  • Improved thermoregulation (to better combat the winter cold).

Freshness and quality of omega 3

It is very important to consume fresh omega 3. Indeed, the higher the oxidation, the more the health benefits of omega 3 tend to disappear and can become negative.

At Nutrimuscle, we choose to guarantee high quality and ultra-fresh raw materials , which we display thanks to the TOTOX index (the oxidation index) visible in our certificates of analysis .

Unfortunately, not all omega 3 sellers clearly mention this index. This is because the results in terms of quality are poor, even very poor. Independent studies conducted in various countries reveal that 11 to 62% of the omega 3 in supplements are oxidized (which gives a very poor TOTOX ).

Be careful, not all omega 3s are equal. Depending on their freshness, but also their origin (fish, oil, algae), they can potentially be contaminated and not have the desired effects . The importance of the freshness of omega 3s.

Hormonal impact of vitamins

Cortisol is a hormone that accelerates protein catabolism and has an anti-anabolic action. It also causes testosterone levels to drop .

The more intensely we train, the higher our cortisol levels will rise . It is therefore important for an athlete to combat the rise in this hormone . Taking vitamin C before a race reduces the rise in cortisol during exercise by 30% (35).

Taking vitamin D is associated with an increase in testosterone secretion and a decrease in myostatin secretion (a hormone that prevents muscle gain), and helps to attenuate the drop in strength between sets and reduce the feeling of fatigue that follows the session (36-37-38).

Vitamins and Omega 3 during winter

Vitamins are more effective when taken together, rather than separately , hence the interest in the Nutrimuscle Multivitamin complex, which contains vitamin A, several B vitamins, as well as vitamins C, D, E and K.

There is a health synergy in combining the regular use of vitamins with that of Omega 3. This is what medical research has shown, particularly with regard to the prevention of heart disease (45), sarcopenia and functional disorders .

Such synergy is also noted in athletes with regard to the fight against the harmful effects of free radicals (46).

Which vitamin to take with omega 3?

In addition to omega-3, vitamin D is often recommended because they work together to support bone, cardiovascular and immune health.

Vitamin D helps absorb and use calcium, contributing to bone health. Omega-3s, meanwhile, play a crucial role in reducing inflammation and promoting healthy heart function.

By taking these two supplements together, you can optimize their benefits for your overall health.

Omega 3 - Vitamin D Association

Taking omega 3 and vitamin D at the same time is beneficial for health.

Omega-3s, found particularly in oily fish such as salmon and fish oil supplements, are known for their anti-inflammatory effects and their contribution to cardiovascular health.

On the other hand, vitamin D , often called the "sunshine vitamin," is essential for bone health, immunity, and many other physiological processes.

Together, these two nutrients can boost bone and heart health, support the immune system, and help reduce inflammation in the body, so it's common to take them together to maximize their benefits.

Why a multivitamin supplement?

Vitamins are divided into 2 groups.

1- Fat-soluble vitamins (which mix with fats)

  • Vitamin A helps maintain good vision and good bones, and helps keep our skin healthy and protected (the sun's UV rays attack our skin in winter too). It also protects against metabolic stress in athletes (1-2-3).

  • Vitamin D contributes to the proper use of calcium and magnesium , particularly for the maintenance of bone integrity . It also allows an increase in testosterone levels and strength (4) in athletes. It also plays a role in the immune system.

  • Vitamin E and tocotrienols are antioxidants . They are incorporated into the protective membrane of our cells to combat the harmful effects of free radicals, which allows them to fight against muscle catabolism . They also intervene in the oxygenation of cells, produce a diuretic action, fight against cardiovascular diseases, brain degeneration , cancers ... (5-6-7 (8-9-10) (11-12-13-14).

  • Vitamin K plays a very important role in cardiovascular health, ensures the maintenance of bone strength and prevents degenerative diseases (15-16-17) (18) (19-20).

2- Water-soluble vitamins (which mix with water)

B vitamins promote the assimilation of proteins and amino acids. They participate in muscle anabolism and contribute to the production of red blood cells. During exercise, they stimulate the secretion of growth hormone. B vitamins reduce the frequency , duration and intensity of cramps (21).

  • Vitamin B6: It plays a crucial role in the synthesis of certain antibodies , hemoglobin (which carries oxygen in the blood) and certain neurotransmitters such as serotonin, melatonin and dopamine.

  • Vitamin B9: it helps reduce the risks of dementia , cardiovascular diseases, certain cancers and cell regeneration (muscle and nerve recovery in athletes). (22-23-24).

  • Vitamin B12 : it is involved in the synthesis of DNA, proteins, myelin (a substance that forms a sheath around certain nerve fibers), in the formation of red blood cells, as well as in the metabolism of carbohydrates and lipids . Since this vitamin is only found in foods of animal origin , supplementation is interesting for people following a vegan or vegetarian diet.
  • Vitamin C : It helps fight stress , accelerates cellular recovery in the event of damage and plays a crucial role in the immune system (25). It is a powerful antioxidant, useful before exercise.

There is a common feature of some vitamins in these two groups: their antioxidant capacity, that is, their ability to fight free radicals. These are vitamins E and C , tocotrienols and vitamin A. (26-27-28).

The antioxidant role

The oxygen we breathe generates free radicals , molecules that are missing an electron. These will attack all our cells, whatever they are, in order to steal this missing electron , which causes them to be damaged.

Antioxidant vitamins serve as protective shields for muscles and can help cope with work overload by fighting catabolism , fatigue and overtraining .


A significant portion of the population has difficulty meeting their minimum vitamin requirements (29).

If sedentary people are in constant deficit, given that regular sports practice increases micro-nutritional losses, vitamin needs are even more problematic to satisfy in athletes ; hence the interest in vitamin supplementation. (30-31-32-33-34).

Scientific references

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