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Food supplements to fight fatigue

The arrival of cold seasons inevitably leads to a loss of energy and motivation. To fight against deficiencies related to lack of sleep, you can start a course of vitamins and minerals. There are also food supplements that guarantee a boost effect before training in order to fight against fatigue and demotivation.
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Nutrition santé
Les compléments alimentaires pour combattre la fatigue

The arrival of cold seasons inevitably leads to a loss of energy and motivation. To fight against deficiencies related to lack of sleep, you can start a course of vitamins and minerals. There are also food supplements that guarantee a boost effect before training in order to fight against fatigue and demotivation.

Contents :

  • Dietary supplements in cure
  • Supplements to boost the body


Dietary supplements in cure

Athletes or not, vitamin and mineral deficiencies affect a large majority of the population, regardless of their physical activity. It is important to start the cure before the cold period, to have it continue throughout it and to finish it one to two months after the end of winter.


The Multivitamins includes all the vitamins essential to the proper functioning of the body in the necessary quantity. Lack of sunlight often leads to vitamin D deficiency and can greatly affect morale, giving rise to “winter depressions”. The lack of this vitamin must be compensated quickly via supplementation.

To fight against viral and bacterial infections, vitamin C is essential. It also allows the assimilation of iron and therefore less risk of being anemic.

There are also many B12 deficiencies in individuals, a vitamin that is essential for the normal functioning of the brain. In addition, it helps to fix iron in the body and therefore to fight against fatigue.

The presence of vitamins C and B12 in the Multivitamin guarantees constant energy throughout the winter period.


Like vitamins, minerals protect and energize the body. By strengthening the immune system, they help fight winter viruses, reduce fatigue and strengthen muscle function. The Multimineral is an ally to maintain sports performance because it promotes muscle growth and post-workout recovery.

ZMB (Pido-Magnesium and Pido-Zinc)

These minerals act in synergy and allow the body to benefit from restful sleep, especially after physical exertion. It is a supplement that should be taken in the evening, but not before a workout.

Food supplements to boost the body

Many people do not go to their training during the cold seasons because of excessive physical or mental fatigue. Boosters are therefore very useful in these moments: they provide a peak of stimulation which can be beneficial for sports performance.

Natural Caffeine

Derived from green arabica coffee beans, it is the most powerful booster for pushing the limits in strength and endurance sports, improving physical performance and stimulating intellectual capacities. Caffeine also helps accelerate and enhance fat loss. There is also its organic counterpart, Green Bean Caffeine extract.

Natural Bio Booster

Composed of organic Guarana and green tea, it is a booster that increases energy expenditure, moderates appetite and fights fatigue. It is also a natural and effective fat burner. Its energizing action gradually increases in power, provides a long-lasting boost effect and avoids sudden crashes.

Peak ATP booster

This booster increases the strength and power of a physical performance. Indeed, this is due to the calcium intake which excites the muscles. In addition, the Peak ATP booster influences endurance and improves blood circulation. It is to be taken upon waking or 30 minutes before training.

Organic Guarana

Guarana is a seed from the Paullinia Cupana plant that naturally contains between 2 and 7.5% caffeine, or 2 to 3 times more than coffee beans. Guarana is an almost immediate booster with a long effect. It protects the nervous system and the brain from degeneration. It is also an excellent fat burner.

Our video on the best supplements to fight fatigue:

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