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Everything you need to know about vitamin B12

We hear a lot about vitamin B12, especially for people who do not eat meat or fish. We explain how B12 is essential for the proper functioning of the body and why it is important to supplement. 
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Tout savoir sur la vitamine B12

We hear a lot about vitamin B12, especially for people who do not eat meat or fish. We explain to you how B12 is essential for the proper functioning of the body and why it is important to supplement it.


What is vitamin B12? 

Vitamin B12 is one of the eight B vitamins. It is also called cobalamin due to its high concentration of cobalt. It is one of the only vitamins that is not manufactured by the body and must therefore be supplied through food or supplementation. Being water soluble, humans cannot have an excess of B12 because the excess passes into the urine. 

According to the ANSES report from February 2021, the recommended intake per day is 4 μg , with the human body absorbing 1 to 5 μg / day. 


The role of B12 in the body 

Like all vitamins, B12 contributes to numerous functions within the body, such as: 

  • Cell regeneration and multiplication 
  • The proper functioning of energy metabolism 
  • Proper maintenance of red blood cell levels, the immune system and the nervous system 
  • Preserving cardiovascular health 
  • Guarantee of stable psychological functions and good memory 
  • Reduction of fatigue and oxidative stress. 

A vitamin B12 deficiency generally results in severe fatigue and memory loss. It is a deficiency that takes time to manifest and, although it can be remedied quickly, the symptoms can leave serious after-effects (numbness, psychosis, changeable mood, depression, etc.). So don't wait until you're lacking to consume it. 


Where is vitamin B12 found? 

Once abundant in soils, vitamin B12 is impossible to synthesize in living beings. B12 is only found in animal products, with livestock being fed a B12-enriched diet. Some food products are enriched with B12 but the quantity is quite meager, due to legal measures. 

Vitamin B12 is absorbed in the liver. Therefore, the livers of animals such as veal, beef or lamb concentrate very large amounts of B12. It is therefore non-negotiable for vegetarians and vegans to supplement with B12. There are different dosages, some capsules are to be taken every day, others weekly or monthly. 


Which form of B12 to choose? 

There are four types of forms: hydroxycobalamin, adenosylcobalamin, methylcobalamin and cyanocobalamin. Methylcobalamin is the bioavailable and active form of B12, which allows the body to better assimilate it without any intermediate reaction necessary. However, it is difficult to obtain in the form of a dietary supplement. At Nutrimuscle, we offer B12 in the form of methylcobalamin, vegan, whose producers are patented for the purity of their products and their low environmental impact. The consumer benefits from better assimilation of the vitamin and in its purest form. 

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