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Food and supplements before training

Food and supplements taken before training play a key role in the progress of the athlete. Indeed, it is thanks to them that our body benefits from the energy necessary to perform. So what are the foods and supplements to favor?
L'alimentation et les compléments avant l'entraînement

Food and supplements taken before training play a key role in the progress of the athlete. Indeed, it is thanks to them that our body benefits from the energy necessary to perform. So what are the foods and supplements to favor?

Contents :

  1. Why is pre-training nutrition essential?
  2. Adapt your diet
  3. Foods to take before your workout
  4. Supplements to take before training

Why is pre-training nutrition essential?

The choice of food is an essential step in the progress of the athlete but also for the well-being of the body in general. It is important not to start training on an empty stomach, or with a diet that is too low in calories and/or not balanced enough.

To provide an effort, the body needs fuel through a supply of proteins, carbohydrates and lipids. It is in these nutrients that the body will draw its strength. Indeed, benefiting from a good diet before training consists of two objectives:

  • Provide energy to the body to perform;
  • Start preparing for post-session recovery;
  • Improve your performance.

Adapt your diet

Your pre-workout meal will obviously adapt to your usual day and meals: if you are doing a session in the morning, breakfast will be your pre-workout meal. In addition, depending on the intensity of your session, it is important to space out the exercise meal. To run for example, it is preferable that the meal is taken in advance (2-3 hours), and does not weigh on the stomach.

Depending on the person, the needs are different: some athletes can eat just before and benefit from good digestion. The important thing is to adapt on a case-by-case basis, according to feelings and the type of exercise.

Foods to take before your workout

The case by case also applies to the quantity and choice of food: depending on your build and your type of training, nutrient intake varies enormously. Endurance athletes will favor a high intake of carbohydrates, while strength athletes will favor proteins. This is why a mixture of the two is generally recommended in order to contribute on the one hand to providing the body with energy thanks to carbohydrates, and on the other hand to developing muscle mass thanks to proteins.

Morning session:

  • Oatmeal
  • Cottage cheese 0% + honey
  • Fruit

Session after lunch or dinner:

  • Dose of carbohydrates: Rice (whole or brown), sweet potato, quinoa
  • Protein dose: Chicken, turkey, egg, tofu

Afternoon session (snack):

  • Bread with jam or honey
  • Or fromage blanc with fruits, honey or cereals

Meal (snack) before session with Kilian Hagen, dietitian and sports coach:

  • A bowl of oatmeal + coconut
  • A protein shake
  • A fresh fruit: banana, apple etc...

Supplements to take before training

Natural caffeine : Taken one hour before training, caffeine quickly and effectively boosts physical performance. Composed of 95% pure caffeine and derived from green arabica coffee beans, Nutrimuscle caffeine is natural and qualitative. Its contribution has in particular an impact on strength, power and endurance sports. By stimulating the body, caffeine also contributes to the acceleration of the metabolism and the melting of fat.

Mix focus : This supplement acts thanks to the synergy of its ingredients which contributes to increase the concentration and to boost the motivation of the athlete during a prolonged sports session. It mainly acts on energy, brain health and neurotransmission. The Mix focus should be taken 30 minutes to 1 hour before training in order to overcome the onset of eye, nervous and physical fatigue.

Peak ATP Booster : Taking one capsule 30 minutes before a sports session increases your level of ATP: a molecule whose purpose is to supply energy to the body. It contributes in particular to improving physical performance, strength and resistance to effort.

MusclePump : This mixture of amino acids (Arginine, Citrulline, Beta-Alanine, BCAA) allows the body to be optimally prepared for exercise: it increases muscle congestion thanks to the production of NO (nitric oxide), delays the onset of fatigue and improves strength and endurance. We recommend 5 teaspoons 30 to 1 hour before exercise.

Beta-Alanine : This amino acid delays the onset of fatigue by helping to neutralize the acid generated during intense muscular effort. It is converted into carnosine, once arrived in the muscles. Carnosine helps increase strength, improve endurance and limit muscle inflammation. To benefit from its properties, three capsules 1 hour before training are recommended.

Our pre-workout diet and supplement video