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How ATP Helps You Improve Your Sports Performance

A veritable "energy factory", ATP is one of the most important molecules naturally present in our body. It is essential to ensure the proper functioning of our body in general, but also to perform during sporting efforts.
Nutrition sportive
Comment l'ATP vous aide à améliorer vos performances sportives

A veritable "energy factory", ATP is one of the most important molecules naturally present in our body. It is essential to ensure the proper functioning of our body in general, but also to perform during sporting efforts.

“It is during long-term efforts such as marathons, running or even cycling that the ATP reserves are particularly called upon. »

What is ATP?

ATP, also called Adenosine Triphosphate, is a nucleotide triphosphate from the purine family. It is present throughout our body, and is mainly used to transport energy to the cells. It is a molecule which is constantly solicited, and this, for all our daily movements. It is responsible for muscle contraction, cardiovascular functions and breathing, for example. To put it simply, it's kind of our fuel.

In general terms, to obtain this precious molecule, the important thing is to eat well. Indeed, ATP feeds on our nutrient intake (carbohydrates, proteins, etc.). The sugar is then recovered to be sent to the mitochondria, responsible for the transformation of glucose into energy.

The importance of ATP on sports abilities

Normally, an athlete at rest needs 40 kg of ATP per 24 hours. When the athlete begins intense physical activity, the need increases by 500 g per minute. This is why the reserves run out very quickly, requiring continuous renewal. During exercise, the lack of ATP is felt by a decrease in energy, endurance and strength in athletes.

Several studies have then shown the beneficial effects of ATP supplementation on the body. This is why, 5 years ago, researchers found a form of ATP very similar to that present in our body: Peak ATP . This patented form developed over 4 years then makes it possible to effectively increase the body's ATP reserves.

A protector of the heart

ATP is a molecule that is one of the natural vasodilator substances present in the body [1]. Taking Peak ATP then contributes to the proper functioning of the cardiovascular system and the improvement of blood circulation.

Thus, by increasing the blood flow, the athlete sees an increase in his oxygenation rate and the congestion of his muscles, for example. The transport of nutrients within the cells is also facilitated, and therefore the evacuation of metabolic waste as well.

Endurance against all challenges

It is during long-term efforts such as marathons, running or even cycling that the ATP reserves are particularly called upon. Thus, thanks to ATP supplementation, the body reaches a stage of "balance" between consumption and production.

In addition to providing an increased dose of energy, Peak ATP is a dietary supplement that can help reduce the perception of fatigue and pain [2] associated with exercise. The athlete will then be able to continue his effort over a longer period, with more enthusiasm.

Optimal physical performance

As we saw earlier, the ATP molecule is always at the heart of performance and must be renewed quickly so that muscle strength is always there. However, the storage of muscle ATP is low (enough to maintain maximum exercise for less than 1 second), which is why, according to a study [3], Peak ATP would have a positive impact on repeated muscle contractions.

Thus, supplementing with ATP provides benefits on physical performance through the improvement of muscle excitability allowing athletes to develop more strength and achieve a greater number of repetitions.


[1] Frank Dinenno. (2021). Pyridoxine, P2 Receptor Antagonism, and ATP-mediated Vasodilation in Young Adults , Colorado State University.

[2] Maastricht University Medical Center. (2016). Application of ATP Infusions in Palliative Home Care. ZonMw: The Netherlands Organization for Health Research and Development. NCT00565188.

[3] Metabolic Technologies Inc. (2012). Effect of Oral Adenosine-triphosphate (ATP) on Human Muscle Performance. Iowa State University. NCT01141504.

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