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Back to school is the time to stock up on vitamins to get your body back to work and prepare it for the cold seasons. In France, the decrease in fruit and vegetable consumption is leading to more and more insufficiencies and deficiencies. We share with you the vitamins not to neglect for the end of the year.
Vitamins for the start of the school year
Vitamin A
Vitamin A helps with healthy growth and maintaining a good immune system. It plays a significant role in vision. Its antioxidant properties provide benefits to the skin and hair.
This vitamin is present in large quantities in fruits and vegetables such as oranges, plums and pineapple.
Vitamin B1 (thiamine)
Vitamin B1 plays an essential role in carbohydrate metabolism. It is the one that transforms food into energy and is responsible for digestion. It is a vitamin that cannot be synthesized by the body and must therefore pass through the diet.
It is found in brewer's yeast, sunflower seeds and even wheat and soy germ.
Vitamin B2 (riboflavin)
Very similar to vitamin B1, vitamin B2 is also important in metabolism and in particular in the oxidation of glucose which allows energy to pass through the body. It maintains the nervous system, the right level of red blood cells, vision, iron metabolism and reduces fatigue.
A B2 deficiency manifests itself as very chapped lips and corners of the mouth, oily skin and sore throat.
B2 is found in large amounts in offal and in some condiments, including nutritional yeast. In smaller amounts, it can be found in dairy products, eggs, and oilseeds.
Vitamin B3 (niacin)
Also called niacin, vitamin B3 helps release energy in the body and promotes healthier skin. It reduces blood cholesterol levels, renews cells and stimulates sexual energy.
Vitamin B3 is found in white meats, oily fish (salmon, tuna), lentils and peanuts in varying quantities.
Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid)
Vitamin B5 is also called the "anti-stress vitamin". It is said to be responsible for regulating adrenaline, insulin and porphyrin. A vitamin B5 deficiency causes severe fatigue throughout the body.
Foods such as dried shiitake mushrooms, liver or breakfast cereals contain B5.
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine)
It is the vitamin that has a very beneficial action on memory, anxiety, depression and premenstrual disorders. It relieves stress by producing serotonin and dopamine and contributes to the strengthening of the nervous system and good immunity.
This vitamin is found in white meat, oily fish, rice and eggs.
Vitamin B8 (biotin)
Also responsible for energy production, B8 also actively participates in maintaining hair and proper skin regulation. A B8 deficiency leads to skin problems, conjunctivitis or muscle cramps.
B8 is found in the following foods: egg yolk, liver, banana, mushrooms and brewer's yeast.
Vitamin B9 (folic acid)
Vitamin B9 helps produce white and red blood cells. A B9 deficiency results in anemia, muscle cramps, fatigue or headaches.
Foods such as cabbage, spinach, oranges, dried vegetables, liver or brewer's yeast contain vitamin B9.
Vitamin B12 (cobalamin)
Vitamin B12 is involved in the synthesis of DNA and RNA, enables the production of new red blood cells, and enables neurological connections. A B12 deficiency can have very serious consequences because it is difficult to overcome.
Due to soil depletion, B12 is not found in plants. This vitamin is injected into livestock and added to some processed products. B12 is therefore found in meat. Vegetarians and vegans must take B12 supplements to avoid deficiency.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C allows the formation of collagen which contributes to the proper functioning of the skin and joints. It helps release oxidative stress and reduces fatigue. It is found in the oxygenation of tissues and muscles which allows the toning of the latter.
Fruits and vegetables contain vitamin C, especially black currants, parsley, peppers, and melon.
Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol)
Vitamin D3 contributes to bone strengthening in adults and proper growth in children, absorption of calcium, phosphorus and good immunity. It is formed in the body with the action of sunlight on cholesterol, but in the cold season it is sorely lacking in the body.
It is found in oily fish and dairy products.
Vitamin E
Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that protects the body from stress. It contributes to the proper functioning of the immune system, skin and memory. A deficiency of this vitamin can cause muscle fatigue during exercise.
Vitamin E is found in sunflower oil, margarine, peanuts and whole grains.
Vitamin K1
Vitamin K helps maintain healthy bone tissue. It has an anti-hemorrhagic action and prevents cardiovascular diseases.
Here are some examples of foods rich in vitamin K: cooked cabbage, boiled spinach, chard, parsley, salad (lettuce, escarole), or asparagus.
How to choose your Multivitamins?
Each vitamin can be found on the market but their dosage varies. Some vitamin levels will need to be monitored and others will need to be consumed more. Multivitamins often suffer from unwanted additions, such as excipients.
The ideal is to choose a product containing exclusively vitamins that meet specific needs.
Also pay attention to the origin of your production. Some multivitamins are counterfeits and do not help the health of the consumer in any way.